Are you interested in a C1 or C2 Class ?

We are happy to offer a class if there are enough interested students.


There are two types of the class:

  1. Compact Class
    Lasts one week from Saturday to Saturday and takes place in a guest house. Overnight stay in a single or double room as well as full catering is available.
    The perfect number of participants is 8-10 dancers.

  2. Weekend Class
    It takes 4 weekends from Saturday 12:00 to Sunday 16:00 (the time schedule can be changed).
    The number of participants should be about 10 dancers.

For both types the dancers should prepare themselves for the class. We provide the appropriate learning material.


You are welcome make a (not binding) registration. Please use the form below.

Teaching Order C1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 81.5 KB
Teaching Order C2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 27.1 KB
C1 Short-Definitions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 301.7 KB
C2 Short-Definitions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 312.6 KB

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C-Lions Square Dance Club e.V.

z.H. Reinhold Scherr

Raichbergstr. 6

73760 Ostfildern

0711 / 442 171

0171 / 4405 334

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