Welcome to our website

💃🕺   💃🕺   The new C2 Class starts in October 2024, if you are interested please contact us   💃🕺   💃🕺   

Click on the symbol with the double arrow
(in the middle of the picture) to enlarge.

C-Lions, since April 05th 2006 a Square Dance Club in southern Germany close to Stuttgart, dances Square Dance in the programs
C1 (Challenge 1) and
C2 (Challenge 2).


If you have questions or would like to advice your visit to our club, please call us

phone +49 711 / 442 171

mobile +49 151 / 268 717 67

fax +49 711 / 442 170

Of course, we are happy to receive an
e-mail (president@c-lions.eu) from you!


For our Clubnights
please sign in here

Our dancing location

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The next dancing dates

(to see more details, just click on the event)


C-Lions Square Dance Club e.V.

z.H. Reinhold Scherr

Raichbergstr. 6

73760 Ostfildern



0711 / 442 171

0171 / 4405 334

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Hier kannst Du uns finden / How to find us / Plan

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